Reiki Infused Bhakti Yoga Specialty Class

This 2 hour Reiki-infused Bhakti yoga class integrates the principles of two powerful healing and spiritual practices to create a harmonious and uplifting experience. Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion, emphasizes the path of love, surrender, and devotion to a higher power. Reiki, on the other hand, is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

In this unique class, the practice begins with setting intentions and creating a sacred space. Participants may be encouraged to set personal intentions or goals for their practice, fostering a sense of purpose and connection to the energy of the class.

The yoga session itself is centered around Bhakti yoga, incorporating heart-opening asanas (poses) to awaken feelings of love, compassion, and devotion. Chanting mantras, listening to devotional songs, or reciting affirmations might be part of the practice to deepen the sense of connection and devotion.

The Reiki infusion is integrated throughout the class and during moments of relaxation or in specific asanas, Ewa may offer Reiki healing energy to individuals, enhancing their overall experience and promoting a deeper sense of relaxation and balance.

Breathwork and meditation will also be included, allowing participants to connect with their inner selves and the divine energy around them. The combination of breath, movement, devotion, and Reiki energy creates a holistic and transformative experience, nurturing both body and spirit.

Overall, a Reiki-infused Bhakti yoga class seeks to create a space where participants can deepen their connection to themselves, to each other, and to the universal energy while experiencing healing, relaxation, and a sense of devotion and gratitude.

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